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Consider these Things When You Take the Certification Exam for Open Water Diving


If you plan to dive professionally, it is important to be able to do so in open water. Open water simply means water that isn't restricted. It could be the ocean, a lake or even a flooded mine. Open water is different from "confined water", where most divers training takes place. Open water requires more fitness than confined waters and is therefore more difficult.

PADI Open Water Certificate

Open Water Diver certification is the entry-level autonomous diving diver certification. While agencies use different names for this course, it is essentially the same course. The course will be offered by all recreational diving agencies. Some may require additional certifications. These are some important things to keep in mind as you decide which course is right. If you decide to take the course, the following will inform you about the certification process and the fees.

certified dive

Divers are classified as open water divers.

Open water diving can be a popular choice for scuba divers. It involves diving away from shorelines and other obstructions. Open water dives typically take place in open water, which can reach maximum depths up to 18 meters (59ft).

Course requirements

You can learn scuba diving whether you are looking to have a great adventure or pursue a more serious hobby. During the course, you'll learn everything from basic swimming and mask clearing to neutral buoyancy at various depths. Learn about the importance of air, timings, gear and air considerations for safe and enjoyable diving. The scuba diving course will improve your confidence.

Certification exam

You have successfully completed the PADI Open Water Diver program and would like to take certification for open water diving. This is a simple exam, and the instructor will go over any questions you haven't mastered. The exam is simple and you'll only need to take it again once you have scored less than 75%. Remember your theory and avoid making mistakes.

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Caribbean Sea Diver Training

There are many Caribbean Sea diving courses. These courses can all be done in different locations but they are most often performed with a single tank. Single tank dives can be very inexpensive at $65, on average. The cost of equipment rental is included. The cost of a certificate course is approximately $105 and includes course materials. The majority of Caribbean diving schools are located in the Dutch-speaking area of the island. English is spoken in the island by a minority of people who are able to teach anyone.


Consider these Things When You Take the Certification Exam for Open Water Diving