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The Best Scuba Gear Blogs


There are many options if you're looking for a blog about scuba gear. There's Seaside with Emily and One Fin Wanderer as well as Simply Scuba and Dive into Life. Each one has their own distinct characteristics. For those who are interested in gear and diving, the content of these blogs is valuable. Here are some of my favourites. Keep reading for more tips on what to look for. These are the top blogs to find scuba gear.

Seaside with Emily

Seaside with Emily was founded by Emily, a fisheries scientist by profession. She started Seaside With Emily in 2016 to share her passion about sustainable seafood. This passionate foodie and scuba diver loves to learn about local culture and the marine eco-system. Her blog is a great way to get the scoop on sustainable fishing methods. She also shares her favourite dive spots. Her writings should inspire others, hopefully to enjoy the beauty and wonder of the seas.

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One Fin Wanderer

Although One Fin Wanderer's name may seem a little misleading, it is not the brand for a new website dedicated to scuba diving. Rosie McLaughlin wrote it. Rosie is a one-finned diver that has traveled around the world. Despite being missing one leg, she didn't let it stop her pursuing a career as a diver and ocean conservationist. Rosie blogs about her experiences as disabled traveler and offers tips for navigating scuba diving abroad. In Thailand, she shares detailed travel itineraries. She's been diving since the Philippines age of 40 and has written extensively about her experiences to share with others.

Simply Scuba

You're in the right place if you are looking for scuba diving equipment. You can find the right scuba gear for you by reading Simply Scuba's reviews and making recommendations. They offer valuable information on diving destinations and how to make the most of your dive vacation. Check out their YouTube channel to get tips on scuba divers. The blog provides information on the most recent scuba gear as well as dive destinations.

Dive into Life

You can dive into the underwater world using scuba gear. It is vital to have the right gear for diving. You can safely and comfortably dive with it. The regulator, which indicates your maximum and current depths, is one of the most important pieces of gear. To monitor the gas level in your tank, you can use a depth gauge. A compass is another essential piece of scuba equipment. This allows you to know where you are underwater and avoid panicking or getting lost.

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If you're looking for scuba diving gear reviews, look no further than the Spotmydive scuba gear blogging community. This group of female divers constantly reviews the latest gear, and dive destinations. They also discuss training, gear, and ecology. It will be a delight to learn that there are many blogs devoted to females, including Spotmydive or Girls That Scuba.


The Best Scuba Gear Blogs