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TDI Extended Rang

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TDI Extended range is a special course for divers with limited access to Trimix. It emphasizes skill development and solid procedures. The Extended Range environment allows students to safely use two decompression gasses. Training dives in the TDI Extended Range are done on nitrox or air.

TDI Trimix

TDI Trimix certification opens new doors for divers. This certification gives divers more bottom time and allows them to dive up to 60 meters/200 ft. The Extended Range course is also available in eLearning form. TDI eLearning makes it possible to complete the Extended Range course online if there isn't a dive centre near you. This course will help you understand the advantages of extended range diving.

The Extended Range course will allow you to dive in more challenging locations and decrease your nitrogen narcosis. Stage decompression diving is a process that involves using two stages of enriched air, oxygen or enriched water. The Extended Range course can be combined with TDI Trimix Diver Certificate.

TDI Trimix training will prepare you for advanced diving and allows you to dive up to 60 meters in normoxic conditions. TDI Trimix training emphasizes skill development and safety, as problems at this depth must be dealt with quickly. Divers should be familiar with all procedures to avoid complications.

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TDI Extended Rang