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Diving Certificate Levels

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An introductory course can be a great way to get started if you are keen to dive but not sure where you should start. Also known as a buceo (or baptism of water), this course is a great choice for those with little or no experience and those who are short on time. A dive instructor is required to teach you how to dive at 12 metres and above. You can also upgrade to Advanced openwater or Rescue certification if you take any more classes.

PADI Scuba Diver

There are many PADI Scuba Diver course levels. Beginners can start with the introductory course, and then progress to a higher level when they reach certain levels. PADI Scuba Diver is made up 14 modules. Each module can be broken into three sections. The course lasts for three days but can be extended to 1/1.5 days. This is the most sought-after course and allows you to dive to 18m.

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Open water diving for advanced divers

Advanced open water divers are those who have completed an Open Water Diver Course and have obtained an AOW certification. AOW divers are able to dive at deeper depths than the recommended 60 feet. They can also learn buoyancy and air consumption. Open water divers with advanced skills can do specialty dives like wreck diving. There are several levels of AOW certificates. Below are the differences among these levels. Read on to find out more about these different levels.

Rescue diver

There are three levels to your Rescue Diver certificate: the technical, recreational, and the dive leader. International Standards Organisations (ISO) set the standards for these levels. These training levels are based upon BS EN 14413-2 and ISO 24801-1, 2004. Instructors at level one are qualified to teach recreational divers, assess their knowledge and plan and lead dives. They can also teach rescue techniques and guide other divers in open water.

Cave-1 class

A cave diver certification program involves a minimum of 40 hours of academic instruction and experience. This course covers the basics of cave diving, standard procedures, emergency procedures, as well as information about the dangers and challenges that the environment presents. Students are tested during the cave course. It has two parts: academics, and water-based exercises. The students must pass a quiz, take an exam, and prove their skill and proficiency. Students must complete the cave diving course manual.

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Master Scuba Diver

Master Scuba Diver certification has five levels. Open Water dive is the initial level. This allows you to learn how and where to manage your equipment and dive. You can choose electives from the next two levels. You can dive with other Master Scuba Divers as long as they are also certified. The Master Scuba Diver level comes with a 10% discount for the five courses.


Diving Certificate Levels