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How to Become a Master Diver with the United States Navy

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The highest level of war qualification in diving is master diver in US Navy. These enlisted personnel have the most knowledge, experience, and training in all aspects diving and underwater salvage. A master diver must have at most 15 years of experience, and have completed a specialization program. The United States Navy offers a specialization program that will allow you to earn master diver status.

PADI Master Scuba Diver

PADI Master Scuba Diver certification signifies that you have mastered scuba diving. The program is offered by several North American dive training agencies such as the National Association of Underwater Instructors and the Professional Association of Diving Instructors. It is considered to be the most advanced level possible of diver certification. You must dive at least thirty feet below the surface to complete the course.

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NAUI Master Scuba Diver

The NAUI Master Scuba Diver Course might be for you if your goal is to improve your scuba diving skills. This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge necessary to organize dives for others. You will learn how to use a compass, perform underwater communications, and recognize pre-panic signs. You will also learn how you can lead a dive at a new location. This course consists of both two open water and a classroom session.

NAUI Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver

A great way to enhance your diving experience is to take the NAUI EnrichedAir Master Diver (NITX). This course covers all aspects of enriched air diving including mixing Nitrox and Oxygen. Students will learn how to analyze the breathing mixture, the physiology of oxygen and nitrogen, and the hazards of handling both gases. They will also learn about Equivalent Air Depth, common gas mixing techniques, and the concept of Equivalent air depth. You can take the enriched-air course as an extension to your open water diver certification. This is required in order to be able use the enriched mix.

NAUI Rescue Scuba Diver

The courses required to become a NAUI Rescue Scuba Diver Master Diver Instructor are necessary in order to realize your dream. This certification is a prerequisite for the NAUI FIT course, which prepares you to become a professional NAUI Instructor or Leader. The Try Scuba program is the best way to start. This program is designed to give you the knowledge and skills necessary to safely dive into open water.

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NAUI First Aid course

Master divers can take a NAUI First Aid course to prepare them to handle a wide range of emergency situations that may arise in the water. Refresher sessions are included, as well as information on the latest First Aid standards. The NAUI First Aid course will give you the necessary knowledge to respond to an emergency without delay. The course is also uniquely hands-on, allowing you to practice the skills that you learn in the classroom.


How to Become a Master Diver with the United States Navy