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How to become a Scuba Instructor

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If you are looking for part-time employment, consider a career as a scuba instructor. As a diving teacher, you can make enough to support your hobbies and travels. Many middle-aged dive instructors are veterans, former teachers, police officers, and military personnel. Many of them are able to enjoy a comfortable retirement and a fulfilling second lifestyle. Read on to learn more about how to become a certified scuba instructor.

Qualifications to become an instructor in scuba diving

If you want to become a scuba diving instructor, you must first complete a scuba diving course. The course teaches you the fundamentals of scuba equipment and how to breathe underwater. You will also learn about the theory and safety of diving. These topics can be learned in a manual or through eLearning. You will also be required to complete a confined water exercise, usually in a pool. You will then have to complete four open water dives, which will test your skills and knowledge at a maximum depth of 18 meters.

Scuba instructors are also called "travelers" as they often travel. They are recognized as leaders in the industry. Certification agencies support their instructors. Instructor training is more than just teaching how to dive. It also teaches how to care for others. Instructors are also taught basic emergency medical skills and professional sales skills. Instructors in scuba diving have access to discounted gear and parts so that they can buy the most recent kits and replacement parts for half the retail price.

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Salary of a certified scuba instructor

An instructor in scuba diving will earn an average salary of $18,000 to $20,000. However, this can change over time. It isn’t a huge salary for a profession, but it’s enough to cover living expenses in many countries. Scuba instructors live overseas, so their take-home pays are higher than average. But, they may need to relocate often in order to find stable work.

Instructors teach other people to dive. They also lead trips. This job is a great choice for those who are interested in this career. It's challenging and never boring. Good communication skills are important, as well as a positive attitude, to attract potential clients. If you have experience in the hospitality industry, you should be able develop good relationships with local business people.

The work environment for a scuba instructor

Scuba instructors are not easy jobs. Divers are often an expert in all things, so they need to have a wide range of skills and be competitive. It is no surprise that the demand of scuba instructors outweighs the supply. Instructors may be required to work hard, carry heavy tanks, and manage high-stress environments.

The work environment of a scuba instructor varies based on the type of diving facility or resort they work for. For example, a instructor working at a dive center might teach two classes per week for 40 hours. A typical week is 60 hours. An instructor at a resort might work six days per week, or seven during peak tourist season. As with any job, it is essential to stay current on new trends and techniques to remain relevant in the industry.

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The career outlook for a scuba instructor

Divers have many benefits and a career as an instructor can help you reap many of them. This job is ideal for those who enjoy being out in the ocean, but do not enjoy dealing with people or being around violence. Scuba instructors have the opportunity to grow and become leaders. Scuba instructors become part of a network and are surrounded by mentors, like-minded people. The challenges of the career include heavy lifting, a lack of time to train and certify students, and dealing with stress.

Although scuba instructors might not have typical job duties they expect to work over forty hours per week and sometimes teach as many as two classes. Some instructors may even work seven days a week during busy times. Dive resort instructors can expect to work 60 hours per week. Generally, scuba instructors work 40 hours a week and usually teach two classes a week.


How to become a Scuba Instructor