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Trimix Diverse Courses

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You should be familiar with the various types of gas and their mix ratios if you want to obtain your recreational trimix diver certificate. You will learn about Normoxic and Hypoxic dives, as well as how to manage your equipment. A good understanding of how to maintain your body posture underwater is essential. These are the essential requirements for this certification. You will need several sessions in confined water to obtain your card.


The IANTD Normoxic Trimix Diver course is a training course for divers who would like to dive up to 60 meters without breathing air. It also has a theory component as well as confined water skill practice. In addition to theory, this course also includes four stage decompression dives. Students learn skills to deal with emergency situations during these dives. Students are eligible to receive the CCR trimix certification after completing the course.

Technical diver training can be used to differentiate between the two levels. The bottom mix can be used by a normoxic trimix diver. In contrast, a hypoxic trimix diver must dive in a travel mix to begin their descent. This makes it more difficult as the diver must switch gasses during the first descent. Hypoxic trimix divers might have to dive for longer periods of time and may need to use a wider range of mixtures.

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The SSI Hypoxic Trimix Diver class is the highest-ranking technical diving course. This course is advanced in techniques and uses multiple decompression systems. It also teaches proper use for travel gas. Students will also learn the dangers and hazards of technical diving and how to respond to emergency situations. Six dives are required to be equipped with anoxia-reducing equipment.

When breathing normal air, the content of oxygen is 20 percent to 21 percent. The minimum level is 18%. However, at sea level, breathing normal air is safe because atmospheric pressure is around one bar. Divers who dive in water with less 18 percent oxygen must use a mixture. This will help divers breathe deeper. Normal air will not be sufficient for a 100 meter dive. To compensate, hypoxic divers have to use travel mix.


There have been many myths about diving and heliox since the Hans Keller tragedy. Some were concerned at the slow decompression time of Helium. Other were worried about CNS consequences. These myths were fuelled by the fact that Helium is scarce and costly. Hydrogen, however, is cheap and abundant. It also has few toxicological concerns. In addition, hydrogen is safe for use at all depths.

The Navy Experimental Diving Unit is one of the earliest diving organizations to explore the science behind decompression. The first functioning heliox tables were developed by the research team more than 80 years ago. They disproved the mixed-gas myth. In fact, they have developed a table for decompression that may reduce the likelihood of your death from diving. Follow the instructions of your manufacturer if you are a diver using heliox.

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Heliox 32

The Heliox 32 trimix diver is the perfect alternative to the standard Heliair diving mixture. This gas consists of less than 21% oxygen. Because it contains less oxygen than air, it is cheaper and more toxic than the latter. It is also recommended for diving at any depth. There are some things to keep in mind before you switch to this gas. Read on to learn more about this gas. It may surprise you at how well it performs according to your needs.

It is important to think about the dive type you will be taking when selecting a tank. Because they release oxygen at different rates, nitrogen diver tanks and heliox tanks should have lower helium contents. Combining them can cause decompression illness and could be dangerous. Safety of a diving partner is also important, since they may be able and willing to share your weight.


Trimix Diverse Courses